New Music Faster : Chris Cornell



Chris Cornell
Soul, Rock, Folk
RIYL: Johnny Cash

There are many times where adding words to review a piece of music is hard. Today is one of those days. Today, on New Music Faster, we have one of the last songs that Chris Cornell may have recorded before his tragic, and untimely death in Detroit, Mich., last year. While many sources out there have said that this is a cover tune, it really is not.

Instead, what we get is a lyric penned by the Man In Black, Johnny Cash. From there, John Carter Cash, Johnny’s son, took words and lyrics and passed them out to musicians and vocalists who would then come to write and create songs based off Johnny’s words. As you see in the video linked above, Cornell took those words and crafted a song that he hoped Johnny would approve of.

What we got from that session at the Cash Cabin in Tennessee is “You Never Really Knew My Mind.” While the song is moving, there are times listening to this, and being here now, the song has a telling message. Would this turn out to be Cornell’s swan song? A message out there into the ether that he was not long for this world. Of course, this is all ruminations from hindsight, but if this song is not a reflection of how he was feeling in the final days, I’m not sure what is.

That said, what is moving about this tune is how it’s written in the style of a Johnny Cash tune. The ruminating troubadour-like guitar. The sparseness contained as Cornell’s swirls around. This song is the embodiment of what Johnny’s music was about. Strong foundation paired with expert lyricism and delivery. Now, of course, the video up top has Cornell’s thoughts on the song, below, we’ve link the full song as well.

Due out on the 6th of April, this is just a preview of some of the powerful music conjured. You might tear up. I know I did. Rest easy, Chris, and thank you and Johnny for the words and music.
